Canterbury Cathedral is in Suspended Animation: Refugee exhibition.
Canterbury Cathedral is in Suspended Animation: A Syrian Refugee exhibition installation at a time where Teresa May paid Calais to further house the refugees in the French camps.
The Abandoned Acropolis Mall photo shoot in Vértiz Narvarte, Mexico City.
The Abandoned Acropolis Mall: Mexico City, a photo gallery and discovery of an abandoned mall in Mexico.
We didn’t anticipate that a throwaway conversation about my interest in urban decay, and abandoned places, would lead to an invitation to “explore” Acropolis, a crumbling mall, but were immediately game. With a name taken from the Greeks, conjuring visions of grandeur and stone pillars obliquely linked to shopping, who could resist?
Puffins on the Path: Skomer Island, Wales
See puffins in Wales, your guide to a perfect day trip on Skomer Island.