Parakeets: pretty pests posing problems
Magical creatures, Birds, Biological diversity Kelly Keegan Magical creatures, Birds, Biological diversity Kelly Keegan

Parakeets: pretty pests posing problems

The emotive response, on both sides, to the presence of parakeets in the UK reflects back our discomfort at the infrastructure by which our country governs; as we further reconcile a coloniser past and deepen out understanding of the nuances of diversity and inclusion, the way we view and mythologise the arrival of this bird is telling.

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Book Review: Tarka the Otter, Henry Williamson.
Book Reviews, Fiction Kelly Keegan Book Reviews, Fiction Kelly Keegan

Book Review: Tarka the Otter, Henry Williamson.

Insightful book review of Tarka the Otter written by Henry Williamson. The story is about an otter called Tarka, and the first few years of his life. It’s an intimate portrait of survival that pulls no punches when it comes to describing the harsh ways otters kill and are killed. My heartbeat quickened ever time I saw a “Tally Ho!” on the page. The otter hunt is described with a ruthless detachment that makes it even more emotive.

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Dog got your tongue? First person nature writing series.
Animal Encounters, Cardiff, Creative non-fiction Kelly Keegan Animal Encounters, Cardiff, Creative non-fiction Kelly Keegan

Dog got your tongue? First person nature writing series.

Got Your Tongue? Is a series of pieces that challenge me to think more than “cute” about a creature, and to research about them instead. Writing in the first person is meant to improve the empathy we feel when reading, so I’ve decided to just act as if I am a goose and hope it resonates with you better that way too. I feel strongly about the damage we are inflicting on our ecosystems and this is my tiny contribution to trying to work out how we can do better.

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